LEVEL: Form 2 (Advanced)
TOPIC: In the Loving Memory of Michael Jackson
THEME: People
TIME: 70 minutes
AIMS: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to find specific information on a Website, practice their writing skills by using the information from the website and present the information by using simple past tense and complete sentences.
- One computer for two to three students
- Internet connection
- Web Browser
- LCD Projector
1. Locate the website offering suitable information on Michael Jackson and lyrics of his songs.
2. Browse through the websites to make sure they are suitable for the students and match the topic.
3. Prepare worksheet based on the information in the website.
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Michael_Jackson
2. http://www.allmichaeljackson.com/song-lyrics.html
Set induction (5 minutes)
1. Teacher introduces the topic of the day.
2. Teacher asks questions to students.
- How many of you are fans of Michael Jackson?
- Do you know what are the causes of Michael Jackson's death?
- Do you know the events that took place on the day Micheal Jackson died?
3. Teacher shares students’ answers and relates them to previous lesson on simple past tense.
Task 1 (10 minutes)
1. Teacher asks students to form a group of two to three students.
2. Teacher instructs the students to open the following website.
3. Teacher allocates 7 minutes for the students to read the article entitled 'Death'
Task 2 (10 minutes)
1. Teacher distributes worksheets to students and asks them to complete the worksheets by writing the chronology of events that happened on the day Michael Jackson died.
2. Teacher guides the students in their work.
3. Teacher discusses the answer with the students.
4. Teacher asks students to identify the simple past tense that has been used in their answers.
Task 3 (25 minutes)
1. Teacher asks questions to students and writes the students' answers in the whiteboard.
- What are some of the hits numbers sang by Michael Jackson?
- What is your favourite Michael Jackson's song?
- What are the impacts of Michael Jackson's songs towards your life and also the world?
- What was your feeling upon knowing that Michael Jackson is dead?
2. Teacher asks students to open the following website.
3. Teacher asks students to choose one song from the list and click on it.
4. Teacher distributes worksheets to students.
5. Teacher asks students to rewrite the lyrics of Michael Jackson's song and they need to answer all the questions in the worksheets by writing the answers as part of the lyrics. The teacher asks the students to use at least 10 words of simple past tense.
6. Teacher shows examples of rewritten lyrics on the projector.
7. Teacher allocates 20 minutes for the students to complete the task.
Task 4 (15 minutes)
1. Teacher asks students to exchange their worksheets with another group.
2. Teacher asks students to check on the use of simple past tense.
3. Teacher asks the students to rate the lyrics as 'Bad', 'Ordinary', 'Good' and 'Very Good' based on creativity and use of simple past tense.
4. Teacher guides students in their work.
5. Teacher gives comment on students' work.
CONCLUSION (5 minutes)
1. Teacher recaps the lesson on 'In the Loving Memory of Michael Jackson'.
2. Teacher inculcates moral values.
1. Students need to send the lyrics that they have rewritten through e-mail and send it before the next class.
2. Teacher asks the students to imagine that they want to write an e-mail to President of Michael Jackson's Fan Club and tell him how they adore Michael Jackson's works in the entertainment industry. The students need to do this individually and use the sentences in their rewritten lyrics. The contains of the e-mail should not be less than 120 words and must be sent before the next class through the teacher's e-mail.

Website on Michael Jackson
Examples of rewritten lyrics
This would work really well if the students are fans of MJ
Very good lp ivy! i really love the topic. However, i assumed that the younger generations doen't really know about MJ despite he got famous only after he died where his albums suddenly sold like hot cakes (=.=')..anyway, there are many rumors on how exactly Mj died, so many can be shared in the classroom. I really like that language structures are also covered in the lp. thus, this allow students to learn not only from the teachers but from their peers as well :)
Very good lp ivy! i really love the topic. However, i assumed that the younger generations doen't really know about MJ despite he got famous only after he died where his albums suddenly sold like hot cakes (=.=')..anyway, there are many rumors on how exactly Mj died, so many can be shared in the classroom. I really like that language structures are also covered in the lp. thus, this allow students to learn not only from the teachers but from their peers as well :)
the reason why i chose MJ is because i found out that even 8 or 9 years old boy are really into him. another thing is when MJ was pronounced death many of my ex-students' status on fb was of him
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